Album Home Aleksandar's Album
Sep. 16 - Oct. 15 2010
5 Years and 7 months old

Windows Media Video 0:27 (6.83MB)

Soccer practice.

Soccer practice.

Soccer practice.

Soccer practice.

Soccer practice.

Soccer practice.

Apple picking in Indiana.

Pumpkin patch.

Apple picking in Indiana.

Apple picking in Indiana.

Riding on a tractor with Luka and Olga.

Riding on a tractor.

Great idea Kum-Zoran.

Olga is in for a ride.

Here is some food, goat.

Peter - pumpking eater.

Tree face.

Is this thing correct?


Maybe next year I'll catch up with you guys.

Hay maze.

Which way?

Awesome! Calfs!

I can feel that.

With Keene.

I love to play with leaves.

With Tereza at the park.

Chillin' at the park.

Elena and Tereza.

Look what I can do.

Check this out, girls.

I can do this too.

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