Album Home Aleksandar's Album
Jun. 16 - Jul. 15 2011
6 Years and 4 months old

Millenium park - with Katarina and Ana.

Millenium park - with Katarina and Ana.

Millenium park - with Katarina and Ana.

Millenium park - with Katarina and Ana.

Millenium park - with Katarina and Ana.

My dad's graduation.

My dad's graduation.

At the pool with Ana.

At the pool.

At the pool.

At the pool.

Canoeing in Indiana.

Canoeing in Indiana.

Canoeing in Indiana.

Canoeing in Indiana.

Canoeing in Indiana.

Canoeing in Indiana.

With Ana at the beach.

At the North Ave. beach.

The plane that will take me to Serbia.

My pool in Serbia.

Playing chess with Oma.

Playing chess with my friend.

With friends in Serbia.

With friends in Serbia.

Playing with cousins.

Playing with cousins.

Playing with cousins.

Playing with cousins.

Playing with cousins.

Catching butterflies.

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